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How Manly Bands is Transforming the Way Men Buy Wedding Rings

Posted on 18th June 2020, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO Digital Native Brand, Manly Bands is Transforming the Way Men Buy Wedding Rings

On today’s episode you’re going to learn about how a non-traditional strategy helped this bootstrapped 8-figure direct-to-consumer brand disrupt the traditional men’s wedding ring vertical…. Read more


The Vital Role of Competitor and Keyword Research in DTC eCommerce

Posted on 29th May 2020, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO The Vital Role of Competitor and Keyword Research in DTC eCommerce

On today’s episode we discuss keyword research, link building and the power of search and discoverability in your marketing funnel. If you want to learn… Read more


Magento Robots.txt SEO Friendly Set Up Guide for CE and Enterprise Edition

Posted on 29th October 2014, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO

If you run or manage a Magento store, then you need to be aware of Google’s latest advice on optimal indexation and their launch of rendering-based indexation that enables Google crawl and index pages like a typical modern browser, with CSS and JavaScript turned on. Directly quoting Google’s engineer, Pierre Far: Disallowing crawling of Javascript or CSS files in your site’s robots.txt directly harms how well our algorithms render and index your content and can result in suboptimal rankings. My previous advice


Advanced SEO: 5 Ways to Fix E-Commerce Duplicate Content Issues

Posted on 29th August 2014, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO

Duplicate category or product pages in an online store can have quite devastating negative effects in the store’s organic search rankings as well sales. Issues such as the wrong pages ranking for your desired target search phrases on the light end of the scale to triggering an algorithmic Panda penalty on the more severe end of the scale are reasons you want to weed out any potential culprits of duplicate content early as well as over the course of scaling the size of your store.


The New Face of SEO: How SEO Has Changed [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted on 25th November 2012, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO

Over the past 18 months, SEO processes as well as SEO strategy has immensely changed. Whilst SEO is still very much rooted as a technical discipline, a significant degree of SEO is verging more and more towards a creative and marketing mindset that touches the nerves of humans OR an audience that search engines are getting better at understanding. SEOs are starting to think about their audience first with engaging content before optimisation for search engines. I quite like the


7 Premium SEO Tools Worth Paying For

Posted on 28th November 2011, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO

SEO is a lot more complex than most people give it credit for. Many regard it as something akin to voodoo or alchemy. But SEO can be incredibly powerful and lucrative if you have the right tools for the job. That doesn’t mean you have to splurge on every piece of software you come across. Having prowled through the interwebs, trial and premium tested a number of tools out there, I have come up with this selection of MUST HAVE Paid